The Hiltons



Grand Central Publishing

Page Count



The Hiltons

The True Story of an American Dynasty

The true family story, now written in its entirety for the first time. THE HILTONS is a sweeping saga of the success—and excess—of an iconic American family. Demanding and enigmatic, patriarch Conrad Hilton’s visionary ideas and unyielding will established the model for the modern luxury hotel industry. His international chain included magnificent hotels such as the Waldorf-Astoria and The Plaza in New York; The Beverly-Hilton in Los Angeles; the Nile Hilton in Cairo and the Hilton Hotel in Rome, among dozens of others.

A true icon in the business world, his influence was also felt outside the hotel industry: he helped pioneer the use of credit cards in this country, for example. But outside the boardroom, Conrad struggled with emotional detachment, failed marriages and issues regarding Catholicism. The rest of the cast includes his children, Barron, Nicky and Eric, who struggled to find their way in their father’s shadow; the inimitable Zsa Zsa Gabor, who was married to Conrad briefly and remained a thorn in his side for decades, and a host of other Hollywood and business luminaries with whom the Hiltons crossed paths and swords over the years; Elizabeth Taylor and more.

With research drawn from hundreds of exclusive interviews as well as personal correspondence and court documents long ago buried and forgotten, THE HILTONS lifts a veil of secrecy to tell for the first time the true story behind the celebrity, wealth and glamour of one of the most successful family enterprises in American history.

From The Toronto Star: To succeed as a big, juicy Hollywood read, a celebrity biography must include some of the following: sex, drugs, glamorous parties, gorgeous superstars, powerful billionaires, dysfunctional marriages, addictions, affairs, suicide attempts, ugly lawsuits, and Elizabeth Taylor. The Hiltons: The True Story of an American Dynasty has it all, and then some. Long before …

Toronto Star: “A juicy, Hollywood read…”

“Hang out the Do Not Disturb sign for this addictive tale.”

People Magazine 4-Star Review

The Daily Mail’s review of “The Hiltons” is in: “The blockbuster door-stop of a new book…” Nicky Hilton, son of hotel magnate Conrad, remembered the night Elizabeth Taylor winked at him from across the room at a party, and then mouthed something to him. He didn’t understand what she was saying so he went over to …

Daily Mail Review of “The Hiltons”: “The blockbuster door-stop of a new book…”

The Maclean’s review of “The Hiltons” is in: “As always, Taraborrelli is painstaking in his attention to detail.” “There are, at present, five Hilton hotel properties in and around Paris, yet the best-known Paris Hilton remains the Los Angeleno celebutante, singularly skilled at the art of being famous simply for being famous. Paris, a fourth-generation …

Maclean’s Review of “The Hiltons”: “The dynasty that gave us Paris Hilton”